Tell me about it…

Explore who you are and what you want in an empathic, safe and creative space.

Support at a difficult time

I imagine you’re here because you’re going through something difficult and would like someone to talk to. Perhaps you’re feeling overwhelmed and need a space to explore what’s going on and figure out how to live life more fully. Therapy can help you to get to know yourself better – to identify old patterns of behaviour that may not be working any more and to try out something different.

A safe space

I offer a respectful, non-judgmental and imaginative space where you can share your experiences, be curious about yourself and explore new ways of being.

Online + in-person sessions

I am based in London and according to your preference, sessions can either be online or at my practice, which is located close to Richmond station:

The Practice Rooms
1 Union Court


Therapy can help with…

abortion . abuse . addiction . anger . anxiety . bereavement . belonging . birth . cancer . change . childhood issues . climate anxiety . confidence . crisis . creativity . depression . discrimination . eating disorders . family . fertility . gambling . grief . hoarding . identity . illness . loneliness . long covid . loss . self-esteem . ME/CFS . menopause . miscarriage . money . obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) . pain . panic attacks . parenting . political anxiety . post-covid stress disorder . post-natal depression . post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) . pregnancy . purpose . racism . redundancy . regret . relationships . self-harm . sex . sexuality . shame . spirituality . stress . trauma . work-related issues .

“If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it.”

– Toni Morrison

Feeling curious?