The therapeutic process

During weekly one-to-one sessions, I can support you to find out more about who you are and what you want. I provide a safe, respectful and empathic space where we can work together creatively to understand what you’re going through. We will explore your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, behaviours and imagination to understand the issues that are making life difficult right now, and to discover your hopes for the future and how to get there. I believe that exploring the unfolding relationship between the therapist and client is a crucial part of the therapeutic process as this can be an opportunity to build trust and awareness, talk about what’s challenging and try out new ways of being.

My approach

In my practice, I use a range of therapeutic approaches tailored to suit the needs of each individual client, and may draw on techniques including guided imagery, meditation, gestalt therapy, breath work, art therapy, journalling and creative dialogue. I also pay attention to physical sensations and may use body awareness techniques and movement in our work.

“These pains you feel are messengers. Listen to them.”

— Rumi

You may be…

  • experiencing attachment and intimacy difficulties

  • overwhelmed by anxiety, panic or stress

  • feeling depressed and lacking motivation

  • coping with illness

  • dealing with loss and bereavement

  • having problems at work

  • feeling lonely, isolated and lacking a sense of belonging

  • feeling stuck – maybe things aren’t how you want them to be, but you’re not sure how you want them to be

  • impacted by racism and intergenerational trauma

  • struggling with shame and low self-esteem

  • finding it difficult to understand something that is going on right now

  • feeling angry and self-destructive

I can help you to…

  • explore the issues that are making life difficult right now

  • develop a better awareness and understanding of yourself and others

  • identify old patterns of behaviour that may not be working any more and try out new ways of being

  • find ways to accept who you are, support personal growth and find more fulfilment in life

  • increase your confidence, sense of identity and purpose

  • discover what you want from life and how to achieve this

Ready to find out more?